
How about some simple beauty.

He must have missed the meeting

The smell of money


Not a day for man nor ducks

What a difference a day makes.....

Damn. Getting old. Loosing friends


Gardens in the rain

Hey...before you settle into the 9 minutes?

What's a few rads between friends.

Listen up Congress

Our St. Patrick's Day Parade is today...but later...let's enjoy surises

Health Care Passes, I get the flu and our Congress goes on half days

Baby steps - baby steps

Well it sure is nice to hear from the Nigerian FBI

on a world political note, i'm getting slightly fed up with Isreal

Ahhh the day of Green

Texas...the Lone Star and No Brain State

Now here is a shocker !!!!

Let there be light!

Never say it couldn't get worse because it always does

The wearin' of the green

absolute beauty

the difference between night and morning

March whatever 2010..this isn't such a big historical day

Brown v. Board of Ed half a century later

The ya'betcha girl sneaks across the border


Rain nor snow nor gloom of night


All hail Michigan

Introducing Liz Cheney -

Let's take the creative out of creativity..

Don't just blame something the park...think it was the 4th of july

There was a time when saturday morning meant saturday night

ahhhh "bankers"

jokes - one of the great fishing jokes of all time

I'm going for a walk ..its 6am

Surely you are joking Mr. Feynman

Candidate for the worst job on the planet

Pray for the bastards among us

Moons up. Suns up. Tides out.

Sunday on Long Island (its Monday morning actually now)