
From the PR Desk at BP

Does BP stand for "make it up as you go along"?

BP's peculiar logic

i can't use the "f" word here in relation to BP...ohhhh the temptation

Want the good news first?

BP hasn't got an ounce of common sense - just like Breitbart

The atom bomb idea resurfaces in the Gulf

Haley Barbour....would Gov. Barbour please come to the lifeguard stand...

I sure don't want to pile on and these are only emails...

Oil and Water/BP and the Coast Guard...neither mixes well

The truth found in advertising

Chump Change

BP's eventual day in court

Wait wait, I got an idea if the cap fails...

I take full responsibility

and yet another word from Mr. Knowitall

Now I really do think BP and the Government are out of their minds

BP sets a record

Fragile Planet

Just how irate is irate?