
New Year's bon bons

tchut, tchut, tchut!

Auld Lang Syne -

Durable Goods

"I am not a crook"


Really great performances

ahhhh Kids

Death panels - and just in time for New Years

Venus....the morning star

Almost a century

High Winds

Just a clarification on taxes

New Year's Resolution

The Tax Man Commeth

I'll only tell you this recipe once so listen up

The grocery store

The God of Doors

A Ceremony of Carols

Christmas Eve

Taking a day away on until Thursday afternoon late...

While we are going back in time

1808 - Beethoven - Vienna - This date.

For unto us a child is born

Notte Tropicale


oh this is gonna be great

The typewriter


Ann Althouse Pleads for Money

The Pandering Poll

A Peep of Chickens


For unto us a child is born

I always wondered when this would make the circle


I succumb to temptation

Artificial Christmas

I've got an idea for the US Senate

Here comes the Judge

The Nutcracker


I literally have no idea

shame on me for not knowing this one

St. Peter


In Dulci Jubilo

From the earth to the moon

Have you lost your senses?
