I've got an idea for the US Senate


I heard Senator Thune on Imus in the Morning yesterday.  He was mouthing off about how the Senate was trying to push bills out in the last days of the lame duck session when they had "all this time" to do the nation's work.

Aside from nearly driving my car into a tree, it occurred to me that the Republican continual filibuster of legislation now shows a backlog of just about 400 bills passed by the House that have never even come up for debate.  The Senate rush to pass is the Republicans' fault for simply not doing anything for 2 years.  Why are we paying these guys? Why do they deserve any salary whatsoever? 

I'm serious here.  If you have an employee - and these guys are employees of OURS - who refuses to consider the work handed him, he would be fired.  At the very least he wouldn't be paid.

I can understand politics and the Republican desire to mess up anything the democrats want to do  but let me remind everyone that the 40+ Senators, like Senator Thune, who refuse to work represent about 20% of the population of the United States and this absolute minority has stopped the business cold.  This is unionism in its worst form.

They would rather sink the country than work. - oh and by the way, the same Senator Thune also inserted 32 "earmarks" in the latest budget bill - the same guy who vowed to oppose any bill with earmarks. Just so you know.

Hypocrisy must grow on these guys like mold.


  1. Dems controlled both houses and the executive, HD. They didn't NEED the Reps for anything. How can it possibly be the (R)'s fault?

  2. "If you have an employee - and these guys are employees of OURS - who refuses to consider the work handed him, he would be fired."

    So, the business of the Senate is simply to pass bills? And you will continue to support this position even if bills are introduced to do things you don't like? Here's a clue: sometimes, a Senator's job is to KEEP legislation from happening. Blocking legislation is PART of the job description. Many of us wish it would happen more frequently.

    And no, not all of this activity needs to occur on the Senate floor.

    "...the 40+ Senators, like Senator Thune, who refuse to work represent about 20% of the population of the United States..." Evidence for the 20% figure? Didn't think so.

    "They would rather sink the country than work." Sorry, chuckles, that job is already taken - Barry O and the Dems are doing a fine job on that so far.

  3. Two answers are required here.

    The senate by rules needs 60 votes to open debate. there are not 60 democratic senators. 400 bills have been filibustered. the rate is highest in history.

    It isn't to pass bills. it is to represent the public interest in legislation. refusing to allow debate isn't in the public interest.

  4. I'm sorry but why is a filibuster still legal? You don't want to debate and vote on a bill, so you're legally allowed to open Homer's Odyssey and go at it to kill it?

  5. it is in the senate rules and yes you can open the odyssey and read it but under the streamlined rules just informing the senate majority that there will be a filibuster is enough..it rarely even comes to a vote.

  6. You delude yourself. Reid got whatever he wanted addressed. Prime example, Obama Care. The majority in America don't want or support a liberal, leftist socialistic agenda. LOL


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