The grocery store

Slept in until 6 after Christmas... and now eagerly awaiting a great blizzard.

Nor'easters refer to the direction of the wind and are, outside of the stray hurricane, the big weather events on the far east end of Long Island.  There is a big coastal low pressure expected this morning that will be here for 36 hours and the wind will be off the ocean at 40mph for most of the time.  This wind is the nor'easter and the expected 18" of snow is the bonus.

I've been sitting here since the sun came up or it the sky at least went grey and watched the far shoreline disappear into a snowy mist.  We have  dusting now - no big deal and when the cat went out to do his business, it was dead still.

Why all this?  Because the stores open in a few minutes and I'll need to be in line.  If you look at a map of the far east part of  Long Island you might notice that there is one road out here.  One big two lane road that will be, during nor'easter blizzards, impassible by middle day today.  As the storm will be here for 36 hours and 50mph winds will be constant, it will be Wednesday before there are food trucks from up the island..meaning that there will be no food in the grocery by 10am. Seriously.

I just wanted you to know that even though we are in the year 2010 and living 100 miles or so from the greatest city on earth, we, at times of blizzard might never eat again.