I sure don't want to pile on and these are only emails...

Emails surface now and then in all walks of life - much to the chagrin of the sender. With the advent of those who hack into email lists and send willy-nilly to all your friends under your name...well that has happened to me a couple times..once by a Russian prankster and another by a political type who didn't like what I bloged on Salon.

Now BP emails are finding their way out. We have to be careful here. The urge is to absolutely fry BP in their own oil but we need to know about the emails that surround these emails. Out of context is as much a sin as faking things up.

However, if these emails are true...and accurate...and not out of context....... well I'm pretty sure there are a few million living on the Gulf coast who have matches and there seems to be plenty of oil and no end to those who we might consider boiling in it.