Oh hark. A lark.

A few Larks posing...

Was listening to a very peaceful bit of music before I started the day officially...just me and my online NYTimes with birds chirping at sunrise, coffee at the ready...

The piece is further along so hit "play" when ever....

I wasn't thinking of that "Hark Hark the Lark" poem. I was just looking for a picture of an ascending lark as that is the title of the music I was hearing and I was just going to title this "Lark" or "On a Lark", show the picture and put the music below it and be done with post. I'm still going to...but here are some other images I ran into in my search:

Someone once spent a buck for this

Is this for hanging Larks who were bad?
I guess the Larks didn't go quietly - Lark's Tongues in Aspic
I guess you'd call this "Lark's Tongues in Aspic - sample serving"

Suddenly I've lost my taste for the music.