Ebenezer : But have they no refuge, noresource? Spirit of Christmas Present : [quoting Scrooge] Are there no prisons? Are there no workhouses?
Just when you think it can't get any harder for folks, it does.
I was thinking about things this morning, you know, the incoming government putting their thumbs down on poorer citizens, seemingly for fun and sport. There were observations about food stamps, school meals, etc. and those folks who were having to make a choice between bills, health insurance, rent, mortgage and food. That kind of stuff.
Most of us have had a rough patch sometime in life when really hard choices and uncomfortable conversations had to be made. Most of us. Some of us (not me) have never had to make that choice. The silver spoon has always been full, the heat worked in the winter and when momma' needed/ wanted a new pair of shoes, she got them.
Understanding that life is at best unfair on its own, when I kinda blow gaskets is when folks have spats, and out of spite, set in motion things and events that are outside the scope of life in general. In other words, they dump fuel on a fire just to see the flames. When this has to do with kids, either directly or at the end of a line of dominoes, I get mad. When it results in a child going hungry or a mom having to make a needless choice between heat and food; well that drives me crazy.
We would do well, as a nation, to "take names" so to speak and not let up on any power crazed politician who lets this happen. Not now, not later and forever.