Let me 'splain somethin' to ya Mr. Trump

I think our President did the impossible last weekend.  He traveled to Paris and watched TV and, with a little effort, could have visited one of myriad WWI cemeteries but didn't.  He was shunned by almost all the European leaders save Vladimir from Moscow.  They continue to play wink/wink/non/nod.
He flew home and on the trip got into a hiss fit with the English Prime Minister. Landing back in Washington, he stayed in rather than make NO EFFORT on Veteran's Day. But he did have time to tweet a remarkably insulting post directed to and at France.  The country of Lafayette and a revolution patterned after ours....the second democratic republic.                                                                                                                                                                                                                  I'm kind of a WW1 buff.  There is so much to know about it, how it came about, the inter-related royalty and their hubris, the industrial/investment interest in formulating the war, the hubris of old military men fighting a 20th century war with all the imagination of stone.  I could go on and on but won't.

Suffice it to say it was horrible beyond imagination.  Think of being in a trench, perhaps for months on end, same one, same spot, artillery barrages of a million shells....1,000,00 shells.....

And we have a President who basically ignored the day, distant in the past as it is, and then took a cheap shot at the French for having a war and then another fought on their soil with all the destruction wrought on their populace.  "Starting to learn German in Paris". ....... you ignorant ass.

Imagine that.