We were responsible for this

We are a republic. In spite of that idiot Congressman from Arizona's attempt to explain what a republic is,which he could not do, it is really very simple: we are served by government of our choosing that is by We the People. It is not a monarchy. When our country begins to be served by one who would be king we lose our Republic.

We are responsible for this. A child who would be king in a day and a half sought to undo NATO, held a press conference which falsely reported NATO work and was immediately called a liar by the prime minister of France over those assertions, flew onto London where he insulted and undermined the English government by an interview that was astoundingly naive and inaccurate and now is going to go on and see the President of Russia and do untold damage to the world order plus abdicate the sanctity of our electoral process.

We are responsible.  It will continue as long as we the people let it.