I'll keep this short and sweet as the sensation of the Wind from the south coming across the bay and carrying that wondrous foggy mist the hundred yards from the water up to my back porch is just too priceless to disrupt.
You can feel it on your face and you can feel it on your hands. It smells alive as if the ocean has finally given up on winter.
Enough of waxing poetic it's just wonderful to sit out here at 7 a.m., coffee in hand and enjoy this rarest of sensations.
Furthermore I was able to dictate this whole blog entry in one try, look ma no hands! Hot diggity.
You can feel it on your face and you can feel it on your hands. It smells alive as if the ocean has finally given up on winter.
Enough of waxing poetic it's just wonderful to sit out here at 7 a.m., coffee in hand and enjoy this rarest of sensations.
Furthermore I was able to dictate this whole blog entry in one try, look ma no hands! Hot diggity.