Rodgers and Hart, 1942, Josh Logan Directed |
"An army of Greek warriors set off for the land of the Amazons on a mission to capture the Sacred Girdle of Diana, currently flattering the figure of the Queen of the Amazons. Upon their arrival they are dumbfounded to discover that, in this land, the women rule and do battle while the men mind the children and buy new hats. The Greeks are seized and hauled before the female council, who are initially nonplussed by the notion of equality for men. However, over the course of two hilarious acts, a dozen captivating Rodgers & Hart songs, and a meeting of the minds, there's the inevitable meeting of the hearts".
Not at all sure what brought me to remember this play other than I was listening to Jupiter from "The Planets" by Holst and wondered about the origin of the expletive "by Jupiter", (The phrases “by Jove” and “by Jupiter” were originally Latin oaths, pro Iovem and pro Iuppiter. These were used quite literally—not euphemistically—by the Romans to mean something like “my God!” or “good God!”)
There you go.