"Chalk" Beeson and the Cowboy Band

An article from the "Ford County Clippings" of the Kansas Historical Society says: "The Original Dodge City Cowboy Band was organized in 1881 or 1882 and for many years was a flourishing organization which enjoyed more than local fame."  The uncertainty is not clarified by the appearance of an article under the title "Dodge City Band" in the Ford County Globe, June 27, 1882:
Alderman C. M. Beeson or rather "Chalk,"' as we all know him after years of trials, has at last succeeded in organizing a Brass Band, and we claim it The Band of the Land, of which Dodge may justly be proud .... They perform every evening in front of the "Long Branch" and Opera House Balcony and crowds gather to hear them .... 
Late in the summer of 1882 the Cowboy Band received an invitation to enter a band contest during the soldiers' reunion at Topeka. Evidently, the organization was eager to attend and to compete, for an appeal to raise money was published in the Ford County
Chalk Beeson
. A subscription paper was circulated for the purpose of securing the necessary funds to defray the expenses of the trip. The Globe commented:
The boys will need considerable money to properly fit themselves out and pay necessary expenses while at Topeka, and we trust our cattle men, merchants and citizens generally will contribute freely and thus assist the distinguished "Cow Boy Band" of Dodge City to make a creditable display of their musical talent.
This obvious promotion on the part of the Kansas Cowboy secured the desired results, and during the latter part of October the following article appeared.
It is all fixed that the Cowboy band goes to the National Stockmen's convention at St. Louis. The band will number eighteen pieces, composed of musicians whose music will astonish the ears of the denizones [sic] of the Mound City and others, soies [sic] who will be there during the session of the great convention. They will find that the historic cowboy of the plains, as will be represented by the members of this band, is an individual of a far different color than what has been painted by sensational papers. He will be found to be a gentleman and as proficient in the aesthetical art of music as be is in the skill of punching cows. But we do not wish to anticipate. 
