I'm the very model of a modern major-general

Waves hitting Corwall north of Penzance
The waves are breaking to 15 meters and occasionally to 22 (if my math is right, that's about 70 feet) and Cornwall is getting the brunt of it...days on end.

On the news, I did some mapping and found the little town of Penzance sitting down on that little jetty of land in southwest England - a wild, wind swept area, terribly exposed to the Atlantic storms.  Corwallians must be hearty folk. Sure to be.

Gilbert and Sullivan wrote a little two act operetta about goings on in Penzance, filled with Pirates, honor (it is always about honor), a clever and witty story with a heroine named Mabel, a hero named Fred and a Major General conveniently name Stanley (Livingstone I presume??).  It all ends well with loyalty to the queen and  hail fellow well met.

It opened in New York City about 125 years ago.  What fun.