Fremont, Nebraska

A racial diverse snapshot of the kind folks of Fremont, Nebraska
About 4 years ago, I wrote a blog entry about this town.  You can and perhaps should read it here.

Yesterday, the fair citizens voted for the umpteenth time to require anyone renting an apartment or room or God knows what in that town, to go to city hall and fill out a permit to rent.  It costs $5. In black and white, the permit requires the applicant to swear that they are in the country legally.  The applicants don't have to show any proof and the fine for renting to a "non-permit" holder is $100.

Earth shaking.

It appears that the big Hormel Meat plant nearby hires a lot of "undocumented" workers and by golly they need a place to live.  Fremont appears to have just about had enough so they keep passing this permit
A Fremont, Nebraska mural depicting its racial diverse population

Now I don't give much thought as to what happens in Fremont, Nebraska nor do I buy Hormel products; if I want to ingest chemicals I'll just drink our local water.  I do, however, care that people, seemingly decent folks, can't figure out a direct way to work though this problem.  Instead, they pass some phoney baloney two bit ordinance that just pushes the confrontation to what these folks think is reasonable ground.

I propose a new ordinance or two.  We could start with anyone who wants to buy a car in Fremont needs a "car buying" permit. We could follow that up with a drinking water permit and perhaps one for buying fruit at the local supermarket....the list is endless.

Just a thought this fine Wednesday morning as I look out on the snowy white landscape with a blue-eyed sky and the joy of an approaching all white snowstorm.......well, ya' betcha...Fremont must be hog heaven this morning.