A wee cactus of a woman

Gov. Jan Brewer....about to decide
Arizona is about to either stay where it is or take a leap into the neverland of discrimination.  I'll let you know how this one turns out.  It is in this wretched woman's hands to decide. Bury the silver. Hide the children.

Obviously Arizona, like Kansas last week, and a dozen other states ongoing, has a group of folks who use religion as a crutch.  In a nutshell, the thought [sic!] is if providing services to gay/lesbian folks runs afoul of your "sincere" religious convictions then you can refuse to serve them, toss them out of your public lodging, and generally up and tell them to get out.  As has been noted before, this is a door that opens back to blacks or Latinos, Jews, fat people or whatever...as in "hey get your black ass off that lunch counter stool 'cause my sincere religious belief is that the races shouldn't mix".

So are we to think that all these independent state legislatures just came up with the same bill at the same time by chance? That a dozen monkeys suddenly typed the same novel verbatim? Are we that naive?

This stinks to high heaven and the creeps who thought it up should be run out of town on a rail.
