
The Wedding Dance - Bruegel, c.1556
When I was a senior in high school, our literature class took a field trip to Detroit to see a Moliere play and to spend a day at the Art Institute.  I still have the program in my momento book, thought the Moliere was difficult and could have spent a lifetime at the Institute.

In the 30s, a fellow named Valentine, was buying art for the Institute and picked this up for about $35,000 and change.  It might take 1000 times that in the current market

Due to the economy, Detroit has fallen on very rough times. The Symphony, one of the best in the world, is in chaos. The Institute's collection - several billion in worth - might be sold off as part of the bankruptcy work out. The situation is appalling.

The painting above - the Wedding Dance by Bruegel (1556) - has always been a favorite as it was the cover for a long play record of the Cleveland Orchestra and Beethoven's 6th symphony.  A record I still have and always will.  i saw it that day in Detroit - the painting knocked my socks off.

Always will.