Congress is Ignorant not Stupid

How to build a better mousetrap
To me, anyway, stupid is a word rarely used correctly. It is a nasty word that means the opposite of "bright".
synonymsunintelligentignorantdensefoolishdull-wittedslowsimpleminded,vacuousvapididiotic, imbecilic, imbecileobtusedoltish;
informalthickdimdimwittedslow-witteddumbdopeydozy,moronic, cretinous, pea-brainedhalfwitted,  

Ignorant, on the other hand, means
synonyms:uneducated, unknowledgeable, untaughtunschooleduntutored,untrainedilliterate,
unletteredunlearnedunread,  uninformed,unenlightenedbenighted

On this website business, Congress falls on the sword of ignorant. I'm pretty sure no one sitting there has ever built a website from scratch. Maybe a couple but very very doubtful that any one of them could even remotely site-map let alone code a site that could transact and load carry a million hits.

Do I think that the designers fumbled the ball?  You bet.  This should have gone to some of our big boys, IBM, Oracle, even (gasp!) Google. It didn't and we got the ball of yarn we got. But it can be fixed.

I think "vapid, simpleminded, dullwitted etc." applies to most in Congress. Frankly, I've never seen a gaggle of idiotic geese" more concentrated in one place. Above all, though, they have no idea what they are talking about. None. Nada.

Stupid combined with Ignorant is a dangerous place.