The Pasta Dummy

Guido Barilla's Pasta....the pasta for non-gays.
I read this again, having written it down some 10 years ago. now I am mad again. The year is 2013.  The Inquisition is over.  Galileo turned out to be correct. We've been to the moon.  Science has things kinda figured out.  Yet this bozo president of Barilla pasta, Guido Barillo (wouldn't you just know it) said,

"I would never do (a commercial) with a homosexual family, not for lack of respect but because we don't agree with them. Ours is a classic family where the woman plays a fundamental role," Barilla, 55, said in an interview with Radio 24 on Wednesday.
Barilla - one of the best known pasta brands around the world - is one of Italy's biggest advertisers, and for many years has used the image of a happy family living in an idealised version of the Italian countryside, with the slogan: "Where there's Barilla, there's home"."

Where to start oh where to start.  First of all, it isn't just gay men who get married or form a family unit. Earth to Guido:  There are gay women (often referred to as lesbians) who fall in love and marry and form a family unit.  It actually happens Guido and somethings the myth of the "little woman" bent over a stove brimming with boiling pasta in anticipation of the breadwinner's return home is just so much bull.

I had this discussion with a friend just last night. I didn't change his mind nor he mine. We agreed to have a difference but he also agreed it was shameful and mean spirited for anyone to inflict insult on a gay couple even if he disagreed. It just wasn't something that you do and remain a gentleman.

Hear that Guido? I liked your product but if this is the way you feel, to hell with ya'.
