"makers v. takers" according to the gasbag

The SOB of the week award
goes to......
Yesterday I was trapped in my car in traffic and clicking through radio dials caught a little segment on Rush's show.  I quote:

"The first time I quoted Robert Rector's statistics, Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting (they preceded Media Matters) wrote this big, long piece -- picked up word for word by the AP -- about how I lie and make things up.  And all I was doing was repeating Bob Rector's statistics on poverty in this country compared to around the world.  It is the statistic that shows how many people in poverty in this country own their house, how many have two cars, how many have a cell phone, how many have TVs. 

It would astound you.

Bob Rector's research has done that and has compared poverty here to poverty in Europe and poverty in Asia. And poverty here is not poverty. It's not real, real, dirt poverty like it is around the rest of the world. I pointed this out.  I quoted Rector.  I got creamed for four years in the mainstream media for lying and making things up.  Bob Rector wrote welfare reform.  Bob Rector is the guy who
Robert Rector
wrote it. This is what Heritage does.  We told you that too."

Rush went on to cite that the "poor" own refrigerators, cars, cell phones, etc. and why even some of them - not all mind you - some have computers and connect to the Internet.

All this from a son of a bitch who makes 40 million a year and sends his maid to buy drugs.  His sorry ass would be in jail if he were part of the "non-poor poverty" types who couldn't afford a million dollars in legal fees.

Go to hell Rush.