Well, I was gonna....

A radio creature circa 2013
I was gonna write about Sean Hannity, this week's favorite whipping boy, or even push on to El Rushbo as I got stuck in traffic during his ranting on the car radio, or last night when I woke up and was reading and flipping the radio knob and came up some creature named Mark Levin...well by this morning I woke up all fire and brimstone. Then I thought some about it all.

These people don't matter. On the vast scale of civilization as we know it, they are cyphers, zeros, lying in that infinite space between -1 and +1.

I was gonna list out the latest set of lies and then, again, thought about it. How important are people who have to lie to be heard. Seriously.  If you have to lie to make your point, then what good are you?

Well I was gonna write some spiffy thing for Salon's blogs along these lines, but I'm not. The topic isn't worth it except to the folks I would write about who would then just scream liberal bias, calling me in the Rushbo vernacular "a low information voter".

Well, I was gonna but....
