
I thought a long time ago that if you just "wrote it out" it would become clear as if the mere act of writing something down would put thoughts in order. Black and white so to speak.  I report that it isn't true.  In fact, the more gray one sees on just about everything.  Looking at a lot of the posts in this blog, things I thought were part of my strong views, the fewer make much sense. Some are so full of holes that I wince and primal scream as a result, as the Internet is forever.  Other stuff I'm kinda proud of and hope it outlives me.

This particular blog reached its 4,000 post. Right now. With this.  I write 5 of them (blogs) and ghost some others but this particular one, this modest un-enterprise, finally got to this number after  15 years and with no help. I'm going to the "two a day" drill for the next few weeks until I catch up to the year, 2025, and then take life as it comes from there.

I took a few weeks and months off at times so I can't say it has been a daily thing although one feels a lot better if it is - I do at least.  Anyway so why the picture? A. I like fog   B. It is my favorite weather condition  C. Fog, like snow, is quiet  C. sound travels in fog like crazy so while the visual of things is kinda muted, the hearing of things goes through the roof. 

Anyway, I'm happy to be at 4,000 and with a modest 400-1,000 readers a day from all over the world, it is a pretty good feeling.