Piddle Twiddle

Goes a famous song from the musical 1776. It is dated and clever but not really funny now as it was back then.  As to the picture (left) Franklin and Adams debated about the national bird - turkey or eagle - and I always think of that when I think of the musical.

The musical came out in the early 70s and we were a deadly serious nation.  Vietnam was always just a moment from defeat or victory, the people were mobilized and government was being watched like a hawk. Nixon had done his worst and was just waiting to be caught and exposed and you had patriots in congress who were doing their duty. 

Those were heady times when you were proud of the integrity and statesmanship. Partisan or not, you felt that congress, good old boy's club that it was, would actually do the right thing when it came time. Big business may have owned them but it didn't show.

David Brooks wrote a good column in the NYTimes a couple year's mornings ago about healthcare and a congress that is so sorely inept and interest ridden as to make the gods weep and the skin crawl.  This is the congress that once had Adams, Franklin, Jefferson and a number of equally extraordinary persons in its midst, setting  it up, thinking about things, standing always always always on principle and shaping it to house the best and brightest leaders to guide the country..not that I'm yearning for the Continental Congress to return but I wouldn't mind having some of that talent pay us a visit...and now we have "deeze" guys..and at least for now we have to make do with what we have and ...well, we are blinded by the mediocrity.