George. Oh George.

I met Willard Romney in high school.  He was, as I've reported before, one of the "entitled" from the auto-suburbs of Detroit. Daddy was governor. Willard was the prince.

Willard stood up with the birther in chief, Donald "Oompa-Loompa Orange" Trump yesterday and over the past few months. It is a priceless portrait - these two. Willard can frame the picture and put it over his desk at home after the election. He can caption it "my last day with a chance at the presidency".

Willard also released his birth certificate.  Coincidence.  Seems Willard and I were both born in Detroit about a month apart. His certificated doesn't look at all like mine.  Not in the least. Get it?

Second, Willard makes a great deal out of Bain Capital and his investments that created jobs.  Let me give you three  little letters: O P M.  OPM stands for "other people's money".  Willard didn't use his own money for these investments. He played with other people's money.  Get it?