Chances Are.......

I just wanted to start your Sunday off with some positive news on the GOP presidential front.  First, the collective observation is that Romney due to his Mormon affiliation will not likely get the nod.  He seems like a decent fellow - aside from strapping his dog to the roof of the family truckster for a little trip.  Animal treatment aside, Perry, the latest nitwit from Texas, Bachman, Palin, and a few even lesser lights are the contenders and the way the primaries are stacked up, it is likely by about the 5th one, Romney will be gone and Perry will be in a tug of war with the loony bin women in the race....Perry isn't in the picture on the left - perhaps because he is so shallow that he doesn't photograph - as in ghosts and no image - and no this isn't Dancing with the Stars or Wheel of Fortune - it just looks that way.  Heads you win, tails I lose.

So chances are -

So chances are, in the most industrialized country in the world, half of the contenders running for the office of President of the United States will not believe in basic science.  They instead wish to transport us back to the days when the Pope decided what was science and what was blasphemy.  This is a serious matter in case you just see this as an incredible circumstance - some wildly out of place bit of witchcraft and astrology run amuck and these folks are just pulling our leg ... but we have some oddly significant chance of electing the leader of the free world who has given scientific fact some sort of sniff test against what some clowns have put out as dogma science and have selected what's behind door number 2.

How can we send a president out into the world to represent our country when indeed he/she would walk into a room and be greeted by snickers and giggles about the intellect or lack thereof.  See, I just can't get by this.  It is like having a trusted counsel - an attorney or doctor or something - someone with whom you place a good deal of responsibility for things important to you - and then finding out that in secret they worship bugs and hang upside down in a closest at night.  How can you take them seriously if they have an intellectual screw loose?

This isn't something esoteric where the complete knowledge upon which to make a determination is hidden in difficulty or obscurity - this isn't celestial mechanics or string theory - this is just basic basic basic science...3rd grade stuff....

3rd Grade Stuff.
