Le Donald......just a note

Don baby,

Haven't had time to write but then again with all your whirlwind promotional stuff, I doubt you have had time to read!  Curious as to how that "birther" thing panned out.  Some folks think that was all hot air and you didn't send anyone to Hawaii except that blondie you were hanging with...didn't look like wifey number 3 or 4 to me you rascal!  Just some advice, I'd keep it in your pants for a while - at least until the election stuff goes away.  (ohhhh and loose the blue tie - think red...you need red votes)

While I'm on the advice stuff Don, this "smartest man in the world" stuff wears a little thin I have to tell you.  Most of that great unwashed out there doesn't like all the Wharton School stuff and I gotta tell you that I was on an elevator where the guy was running it said words to the effect "no big deal - his poop stinks just like everyone else".  You gotta remember it will take a lot of votes to be president...and not just from those who you own.

Last, ran into one of your lawyers the other day and he said "ixnay with the ankruptcybay" if you catch my drift. If the courts tumble on the fact that you are using the bankruptcy proceedings as a way to screw creditors someone might get mad - you know - mistake you for the common folk and toss you out on your ear.

I'm seeing Marla for lunch tomorrow.  Will give her a kisskiss from you and remind her to "ixnay" the "you were the best sex in the world" stuff....I'm sure you were, you were the best at everything....but listen to the old professor here and kinda keep a lid on things until this season is over.

Semper Fi