Pinocchio over here to the right is a clever (I think) caricature of Scott Walker, the soon to be one term governor of Wisconsin. He was the first visible link of a chain that stretched to many of the Great Lakes border states of Indiana, Michigan and Ohio. He is the first link because someone "had to go first".
There is always one. Remember back when you were in 4th grade and you and your friends wanted to play "ring the doorbell" on Halloween so you put it out there that "well someone needs to step up - risky as it was" and it wasn't the smart kid or the fastest runner kid who raised his hand but the kid who wanted most to be part of the big time group - someone who thought by doing something that the rest of the group was too smart and savvy to do would somehow ingratiate himself into membership of the "in crowd".
I give you Scott Walker. He would have been my choice of the lap-dog too motivated by being part of the in-crowd to refuse its bidding and would play "ring the doorbell" so the rest of us, waiting safely up the street and hidden from view, would adopt him as one of us.
Mr. Walker was forged by the big-cheese types to be just that fortune's fool; the unenviable first link in the chain - the one everyone can or could point to and since he went first, be blamed if the mission went sour and people got mad.
What is going on now in Wisconsin isn't a set of labor unions, disenfranchised for no other reason than a wannabe was induced into acting stupidly, got mad and organized for revenge. Quite the contrary. It is because as much as this Pinocchio fibbed about the "why" he rang the doorbell, the owners weren't buying his story and decided enough tomfoolery was enough.
There is always one. Remember back when you were in 4th grade and you and your friends wanted to play "ring the doorbell" on Halloween so you put it out there that "well someone needs to step up - risky as it was" and it wasn't the smart kid or the fastest runner kid who raised his hand but the kid who wanted most to be part of the big time group - someone who thought by doing something that the rest of the group was too smart and savvy to do would somehow ingratiate himself into membership of the "in crowd".
I give you Scott Walker. He would have been my choice of the lap-dog too motivated by being part of the in-crowd to refuse its bidding and would play "ring the doorbell" so the rest of us, waiting safely up the street and hidden from view, would adopt him as one of us.
Mr. Walker was forged by the big-cheese types to be just that fortune's fool; the unenviable first link in the chain - the one everyone can or could point to and since he went first, be blamed if the mission went sour and people got mad.
What is going on now in Wisconsin isn't a set of labor unions, disenfranchised for no other reason than a wannabe was induced into acting stupidly, got mad and organized for revenge. Quite the contrary. It is because as much as this Pinocchio fibbed about the "why" he rang the doorbell, the owners weren't buying his story and decided enough tomfoolery was enough.