Steve Malzberg and Mr. Huckabee share a moment

Steve Malzberg is an insane talk radio show host who unleashes his rants in NYC every day about drive time.  He is a birther, among other things. The other day, Governor Huckabee made the sorry mistake of playing into the Malzberg agenda.

This little kumbaya moment, with Malzberg tossing out the conspiracy of an illegal president by matter of birth and a Muslim to boot (that preceded this lead in question), and Huckabee simply went along with it...certainly a defining moment for the Huckster's political fortunes  as they just leaped out the window and to the pavement many floors below.

Instead of simply telling Malzberg that he sounds like Captain Insano, the Huckster plays along with this nonsense. It is sad to see stuff like this happen because the Huckster is probably a nice enough guy but lacking a spine is not a good reason to get a vote.