These won't fit in the cash register

South Carolina must be a peculiar place.  It has swamp monsters, confederate flags galore, and some of the strangest set of lawmakers you'd ever want to see.

There is a State Senator, a fellow named Lee Bright (no kidding) who wants S. Carolina to develop a backup currency in case the Federal Reserve collapses. That's right - a back up currency - South Carolina dollar bills. What is more a wonderment is that there seem to be other states that are in on this too. So my conclusion is that there is an asylum - a bedlam of sorts - from which a number of folks escaped a while back and ran for office.

Now I tip my hat to grit and ingenuity and I'll be the first to admire anyone who sees a potential problem coming and does something about it but this seems, well, how can I say it gracefully, CRAZY.