Madame Duhhhhh speaks out

There is some sort of uproar - of yearning - going on in the GOP as they try and associate the party with the last republican president that they perceive the people have any fondness for.  Skipping quickly over Bush the Elder and Bush-lite and not daring to go back to Nixon, the only choice left is Reagan and the GOP quickly and selectively tries to jog our memories to the part of Ronnie that suits their needs.

Sarah Insano from Alaska ya'betcha! gave yet another $100,000 speech (plus the private jet and Perrier water) to remind us that the love of the working class is still alive in republican land and the evils of socialism are to be beaten back by core values.  The audience wasn't treated to many specifics - like the debt tripling during the Reagan austerity years and the 40% increase in the number of government workers. She glossed over the forced yet unfunded mandates pushed on the states as the Federal Government simply said they weren't paying for it any more - tough luck.

She missed a golden opportunity to explain to the throng that at the time, almost all state tax rates were tied directly to the federal rates and when you cut one, you cut the other by default. But Sarah was too busy figuring out how to keep her face and name out there and where to cash the check.

There is a right wing "dream" that the left is totally afraid of Sarah - as in Momma Grizzly is going to gobble up Goldilocks.  It is their dream not ours.  We are more concerned that the GOP is giving this ninnie a stage and a microphone and we actually yearn for the day when, like Reagan once said, "I'm paying for this and I'm paying for the microphone. Give it back".
