Captain Insano

Sharpshooter Dick is offering some advice on the Egyptian situation (here in summary), noting that Mr. Mubarak is a good man and has been our good friend.

Thank you Dick.

I don't really care what this guy has to say about much of anything as it is my opinion that he lost his marbles a few years back and I wouldn't invite him in for a drink of water on a hot day. But he and Sarah are highlighting a weekend bash in anticipation of Mr. Reagan's 100th birthday so he is in the news and what he says is "newsworthy".  Again, no judgments here but having a fella half off his rocker and a ruthless wannabe holding forth on the Egyptian situation - well - my >4 y.o. grand kids are going to talk about particle physics at noon and I think that might  be more informative, factual and fun.


  1. Hi,
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