Le marteau sans maître

L'artisanat furieux

La roulotte rouge au bord du clou-
Et cadavre dans le panier
Et chevaux de labours dans le fer à cheval 
Je rêve la tête sur la pointe de mon couteau le Pérou.

Now before you get all crazy - there is a musical work by Pierre Boulez called "the hammer without a master" on a poem by Rene Char.  It is surreal and way over my head try as I might.

Earlier today a fellow, young, just a kid really, dropped his book bag at a school in LA and in it was a handgun that "went off" and discharged a bullet hitting two students nearby.  The kid said he was sorry as he ducked into a classroom.

The kid didn't seem to have touched the gun. It fired "on its own" - obviously or probably by the force of the drop and impact.  A gun without a person. A hammer without a master.

Next time someone tells you that gun control is unreasonable and that guns don't kill people, people kill people, just read him the poem.  It will go over his head too but at least you won't have to listen to one more dumb ass rationalization for this silliness.