Will you please just keep your yap shut?

We know you are running for President or whatever job pays you the most and brings more vain-glorious attention to you but in the matter of the Wiki-leaks and your criticism of Mr. Obama - calling him and his administration incompetent on your Facebook page yesterday - for not dismantling Wiki-leaks, well Moma Griz, you are a day late and a dollar short.

She reminds me of the neighborhood gossip who adds her two cents after the fact; the fence sitting kibitzer bird, quick to crow.

When she has something proactive and responsible to say, please wake me up.


  1. typically you employ the wrong word. she is the liberal dream republican candidate. what scares me is that she has some appeal to the right...but then again people slow down to stare at auto accidents.

  2. Auto accidents? Like the car wreck we've witnessed the last 2 years, and the explosion that took place last month? PFFFFT!
    Hey, you have nothing to fear as I doubt the Repubs will put your "dream candidate" on the ticket.


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