Talk about being out of touch

..and I don't mean just our political parties.  I'm talking about "media" and distortion.  The Wall Street Journal led, on the front page upper left, with a story on the potentials for gridlock in Washington over the next two years and  ran a picture (this one to the right) of Senator Reid as a potential culprit.  Let's get our facts and history straight here.

1.   Boehner said yesterday that he would work with the President to the point that he (Obama) agreed with him.  I think he has it backwards. Boehner was not elected king nor president but a representative.  Obama is the president. Work with him. Not "he works with you".

2. Mitch McConnell, the obstructionist from Kentucky, (and I've know Mitch for 40 years and he is as dull now as then) has 400+ bills locked up that have passed the House and a backlog of federal court justices 9 months long. And you worry about Harry Ried not doing what?

I know Rupert is a big voice in your opinion room at WSJ but just once if he thought about the country and facts on the same day it would be refreshing.  Otherwise the WSJ is just a hurdy-girdy to the republican monkey.


  1. Unfortunately for all parties, the Obama administration kicked all Republicans to the curb over the last 2 years. He was very blatant, and arrogant about it, which was his prerogative.
    I honestly don’t expect him to change his tune, and only wants to paint the Republicans as the party of NO. This attitude will again backfire on him, and further sink his party, but he doesn’t care. Most ideologues don’t.

  2. including you?

    mr. mcconnell has announced his intentions which are the same as day 1. defeat Obama. I know the guy. this is part racist and part ingnorance...i have no idea which got the upper hand.

  3. He wants to beat Obama therefore he's racist.Pffft!
    And what Bill Clinton did in Florida last week is ok?


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