George Gilder and the Discovery Institute cons the Wall Street Journal

I have this real thing about pseudo-science and those who just let it be out there without challenge.  A long time back, my eldest son spent a year at a private school that featured a 6th grade science teacher who taught Creation Science. I scheduled a conference immediately after he sent home some study materials on why the earth was only 6000 years old and fossils were a trick. No no no.  So I went to the school and we sat down and he asked what the problem was. I told him.  He told me that Creationism saw it differently. No no no.  You can have your own opinions about things but you can't own your own set of facts.  He was rock solid.  I told him that to save my son's mind, he couldn't take science from him.  The headmaster was summoned. I told him that my son was not to go to this fellows class and it was explained to me that 'science is a building block in the educational foundation' to which I replied 'then we are in agreement. my son won't go to this guys class as he isn't teaching science - he is teaching superstition' and my son won't partake in sorcery.

What does this have to do with George Gilder and the Wall Street Journal?  Well the Discovery Institute is a religious "think tank" (ohhhh if there was ever a tee it up and hit it out of the park descriptor) that now promotes "Intelligent Design" as an alternative to biology.  Whenever someone wants to make a "for crap" argument on how to get fundamentalist Christianity taught in the public schools they call up the Discovery Institute and they get involved.  Free speech yes. Free facts? NO!!  Gilder is the head honcho there and he happened to write a little "fable" as an editorial in this morning's Wall Street Journal (published by Faux NoiseCorp) and its pretty bad stuff.  I want to shake the little nerd and scream at him. Then I want to scream at the WSJ for sinking so low as to run this but it is all part of some (un)intelligent Murdoch design as already this morning FauxNoise has sunk its fangs into the "controversy".  There isn't a controversy. This guy is just wrong and has so little to base his article on as to make it a 4th grade science fair project at Hogwarts.

Richard Feynman, the physicist for all time, had a nice quip about it. It cuts to the chase and puts the shysters of fact in their place.


  1. So ... you have to check out a man's religion before you look at the scientific arguments.
    Perhaps we should check your background and all the naughty things you do before believing anything you say?
    Arghhh ... just discuss the science and do not change the topic!

  2. Indeed, what does any of this sneering post have to do with the evidence for man-made global warming, which is increasingly found fraudulent?

  3. gosh made global warming - found fraudulent?

    1. not by real scientists
    2. not by those on the dole from private interest which was the point here.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. What a pompous ass.
    "Atheism: The belief that there was nothing and nothing happened to nothing and then nothing magically exploded for no reason, creating everything and then a bunch of everything magically rearranged itself for no reason whatsoever into self-replicating bits which then turned into dinosaurs. Makes perfect sense..."

  6. God is a trickster. He planted all that old stuff to give us something to do.


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