We are a funny group. I lived in a city in middle America that got all nuts about Holloween and kids putting on "devil costumes". If you were five years old, you could well assume that Satan him/herself was at the gates to town just ready to scoop up any kid who dare cut two holes in an old sheet.
Frankly, I'm more offended to have walked into a local department store last weekend to see Christmas decorations and KristKinderling in the manger surrounded by a food processor and carving set.
Halloween is a rather nice mix of tradition ( the end of the bright part of the year and the turn toward the winter darkness (half way through fall) the harvest in, getting ready for a few months when you stayed inside with family and conserved food and fuel to make it through and thought about those past. That Sumhain and All Hallows Eve and All Saints Day kinda meshed up is a tribute to wisdom and longing rather than an invitation to Satin.
Anyway, my granddaughter is going to walk through town this afternoon with hundreds of other kids, she has a "doggy" outfit that is smashing and if I see Satan lurking about, I'll thump him with a bible.
Frankly, I'm more offended to have walked into a local department store last weekend to see Christmas decorations and KristKinderling in the manger surrounded by a food processor and carving set.
Halloween is a rather nice mix of tradition ( the end of the bright part of the year and the turn toward the winter darkness (half way through fall) the harvest in, getting ready for a few months when you stayed inside with family and conserved food and fuel to make it through and thought about those past. That Sumhain and All Hallows Eve and All Saints Day kinda meshed up is a tribute to wisdom and longing rather than an invitation to Satin.
Anyway, my granddaughter is going to walk through town this afternoon with hundreds of other kids, she has a "doggy" outfit that is smashing and if I see Satan lurking about, I'll thump him with a bible.