It is pretty sad in the scope of things. Obviously not the time to pity a multi-millionaire being confronted with reality but it is still very sad to see this happen.
I've written fairly often about Ms. Lohan as her father turns up in our village pretty often and that would easily explain some of her issues. She has very bad friends who enable her. More to the point it is the justice system that is partly to blame. She was released for her latest violation by posting a $300,000 bail bond...which cost her probably $30,000. Not pocket change but I guess it depends on whose pocket. Her last "sentence" turned out to be a couple weeks of actual time and before that it was a day. She hasn't hurt anyone yet except herself but that isn't the point. The point is that she is just brushing up against the legal system rather than getting it full in the face like you or I would.
She needs "out of her life" and pronto. Obviously she needs new friends. That she is immensely talented might be up for grabs but folks like Robert Altman thought enough of her to put her in his last movie (prairie home companion) which put her on the screen with some extraordinary talents and she stood her ground. She doesn't have to lead the life she leads. Maybe it is time that she has a "time out" and it is at the expense of the people of California and that is the end of it. If she isn't paying for the hangers-on they will leave. Her close friends aren't doing her any good whatsoever so it is time to move on for that crew as well.
I said the word "enablers" earlier and the point is that I am broadening it to include the justice system in general who, with forceful action, could start to get this little bird to straighten out and fly right. Let's hope.