I love it when Tom Friedman is right...he rubs your nose in it perfectly

Friedman had a nearly perfect column this morning in the Times.  Read it here.  I then added this comment:

Like Boehner's \"plan\", the Tea Kettle's plans are just the first sentence of the two sentence soundbite. They factually do see the problems (unfortunately a 3 pound rock can spot these problems as well), the just don't have a solution other than to scream about it.

Friedman was correct in wanting to know where they were during the last 8 years and that of course plays the trump/race card as well it should for at the heart of this, after 8 years of endless propaganda from the right, it is more than heartbreaking to these folks that a liberal black man with white liberal friends is leading the country out of the worst mess in 75 years and over a senate that runs on a 40 vote \"majority\" of opposition.  It reminds me of Nixon's Secret Plan to end the Viet Nam War.  There was a "sound bite secret plan" but there wasn't one.  Give the folks a little hope in the first sentence and never tell them how.