The never ending Sean Hannity

Well one thing you can say about old Sean. He never let facts or distortion stand in the way of audience building.  Here is a clip which I call distortion 101 -  a freshman level class focusing on how to make half a truth into a lie and a fabrication. When he states "dispite his radical views..." the Obama administration is sponsoring a trip to the middle east...yada yada...failing of course to mention that the Bush administration sent him repeatedly after 9-11 and the State Department calls on him regularly and has for years.

Anyway, in honesty I don't agree with a lot of Muslim teaching and belief. That perhaps is why I am not a Muslim. I am also not a catholic although I love the Mass, the ritual of it, the rich church music history but I wouldn't follow the Pope to the store to get ice cream. In this give and take from Media Matters, well, I find the debate tiresome at best.

I can't get into this anymore.  I've therefore adopted a safety valve approach to the discussion.  Whenever I hear or see a talking head state a halftruth or a distortion, I turn the show off, switch channels or, in the case of "online" say "hold it right there buster - we aren't going another inch until we clear up what you just wrote".
