I'm smart and you aren't. - a tribute to the mind of Glenn Beck

I have a good friend in Florida named Joe. His sister is a producer on the Glenn Beck "show".  I've met her a few times and she is very smart, a great person and has a bright future.  I told her, Joe told her, everyone has told her that doing what she does is a great 'gig' for now but in the future, it might not play so well on the resume.  This is a tale of woe lesson for everyone.

15 years or so ago, I was brought into a media company on the West Coast to handle the Sears Account (part of) and to set the moral tone for the company with how we disclosed the status to the clients.  This is a big deal in advertising as it is called "full disclosure"  and means that a client can walk in, 24/7, and get a snapshot of what is happening with his millions of dollars of advertising.  It is meant to be up to date at the close of every business day and if any of you are in advertising, with a bazillion balls in the air, make-goods, favor banks....well it is an 80 hr week on a good week.

That media company was stealing money from the client. Stealing it.  I had two people above me to some extent. ... something strange in a company where I was running an account.  I found out I was there to take the heat off of those two who were as bad of media persons as God ever put on the earth. I quit. I just got up and walked out one day when these two idiots bought $6 million of MTV for SEARS - SEARS!!!!!! which has as much to do with MTV as I do.  It's ok. Everyone went to jail.

I think now of those who advertise on Glenn Beck. He is a fake, fraud, phony and a liar to boot.  Here is an example: