Fog in Red Square

There is smoke and smog in Moscow that is killing about 700 folks a day.  It is horrible heat in a valley of a city with wild fires burning to the west.

I lived there off and on during the 80s while still under the firm hand of the system.  I left after the dissolution and when the USSR ceased to be.

I went often to Red Square not because of any Soviet sympathy but because they changed the guard on the hour and it was something to see. I mean really something.

We do the same at the Unknown Soldier at Arlington.   Probably all countries that involve themselves with war and death and honor do the same.
Don't think for a moment that I admire the then Soviet system or communism.  I do, however, admire the Russian people who have suffered mightily under all manner of evil leaders and Czarists and Peter the Greats "types".

I admire these guys. They are our equal to the guys in Arlington and I'll wager, to a man, no matter how bad things get in Moscow - air-wise or politically or whatever - you would have to move heaven and earth to keep them from this duty.
