Enough about the Mosque already! Stop the Insanity

There is an outright fool on New York radio named Steve Mahlsberg.  He is a wannabe right wing idiot who frankly will say anything and because he spouts on WOR a huge radio station that is wall to wall idiots (Lou Dobbs is before him and Michael Savage after)..well you get the idea.

Of course the Islamic Center a few blocks from the old World Trade Center site is the big thing and I looked all over for a fair reporting of the Mosque situation and here is one article that seems middle of the road.

Yesterday I heard Mahlsberg have this exchange:

Listener:  Freedom of religion is a constitutional right.
Mahlsberg: Not for terrorists. They have no rights.
Listener: There is no evidence that.....(Mahlsberg cuts him off)
Mahlsberg: You are giving aide and comfort to the enemy. What do you mean "no evidence"?  The people behind this are America haters just like Saddam Hussein Obama (he really said that)...they are all out to destroy the country.  Go live somewhere else. You are a threat to our way of life just like Obama is a threat to this country..You hear me...get off my phone".

I listen to this idiot because of the humor I find when people are so far off the mark.  A long time ago when Sean Hannity was just on WABC locally and not syndicated he was off the charts on Clinton.  He said horrible stuff and was convinced that Hillary shot that guy Vince Foster and she and Bill put the body in a car trunk and dumped it.  So I called in and was talking to his producer/screener while waiting for my chance to tell him he was full of it. We chated and since I was a media buyer at the time, I actually knew her and had met Sean at a station event so we could talk some. She asked me what I wanted to comment on and I told her that I thought that this constant drumbeat of hate talk was destructive to the country and it should stop.  "Flipper" was her nickname (because of a tatoo unfortunately) said "oh he doesn't really feel that way..the audience loves it though so he just keeps going".  Lesson learned.
