Action Verbs

I participate on a number of blogs., a huge commentary blog, is something of a fav as is Ann Althouse's blog which is a "one person" blog that, through diligence has about 30,000 readers a day. She did an op-ed for the NYTimes about 6 years ago and that really launched things. 

Althouse is a constitutional law professor at the University of Wisconsin.  As such, she writes somewhat dryly.  Salon is a "wing it" blog with people who start threads who are mostly writers or columnists. The styles are very different.  "I am", "Some do" etc. are not verbs that are part of inspiring prose. Zesty verbs require the reader and then writer to higher heights; as Ms. Griffiths, my high school English teacher, stressed and constantly iterated.  Action verbs exude energy.  Vibrant usage depicts strength and insight.

Our republican part has a site full of energy prose and verbs.  Instead of a party of Mitch McConnell (I know Mitch from 40 years back and trust me, he was as dull as a stone then and hasn't learned a damn thing since), we are to think of them, by their writing as this action group....full of energy, brimming to overflowing with purpose and grand thoughts.

Find the action verbs in this poll (and then think how the results can be skewed because the questions are meant to elicit responses rather than ask and answer):