I studied medieval music with Craig Wright of Yale School reknown. He was perfectly normal. Scholar, sage, good golfer, good sport, and a smart fellow. Medieval music isn't for everyone but it can be and while Guillaume duFey may never be a household word in your abode, the life and times thereof were really interesting and there was no end to the stuff you could learn about. We know of our times, this year for instance, in depth. We know about other countries, cultural happenings, political stuff, wars, well you name it. When we get outside our life-time zone, well, not so much. Plop down 500+ years ago and things are pretty hazy but much of it is there to be read about, researched, supposed upon, and sifted. Its fun.
Here is a group that will give you a sampling of how music back then could sound...probably didn't but its good stuff and a start on it. I'll keep this idea going for a while and see what we can see.