Take me out to the ball game..

This is the Long Island Ducks mascot. They beat the Bridgeport Bluefish 7 zip yesterday in front of 6,017 fans, and I'll bet fully half were kids and 7-8ths of the people there were families watching baseball on a perfect Sunday afternoon. The crowd sang take me out to the ball game during the 7th inning stretch right after this elementary school chorus sang God Bless America. Everyone stood. Hats off. Glorious.

All the seats are about $10 give or take and there are no bad seats. The players toss balls into the stands, mostly to the kids.  People smile and there seems to be zero drinking going on. I never heard a four letter word. The stadium was spotless; people picking up trash and putting it in containers just like it was a living room. 5 adults and a 2 1/2 year old granddaughter - tickets, lunch, 7th inning ice creame, parking, programs...$120.... roughly a mediocre seat for 1 at Yankee Stadium.  What fun. What absolutely fun.