This is, by the way, the day the Apollo 13 called in "Houston we have a problem" on its way to the moon.
I keep harping on this but it was so long ago. Anyone under 40 something has no memory of it other than the movie.
Venus, the morning star, was a guide that they could lock onto to navigate so the story goes. I do remember that aside from the Cuban Missle Crisis and the Kennedy assination followed by yet another Kennedy assination and that of Dr. King's, few events stopped America in its tracks like this did. People cared and hoped and prayed.
I keep harping on this but it was so long ago. Anyone under 40 something has no memory of it other than the movie.
Venus, the morning star, was a guide that they could lock onto to navigate so the story goes. I do remember that aside from the Cuban Missle Crisis and the Kennedy assination followed by yet another Kennedy assination and that of Dr. King's, few events stopped America in its tracks like this did. People cared and hoped and prayed.