It don't amount to diddly

I give you The Honorable Governor of the State of Mississippi, Haley Barbour.  He weighed in on the Virginia Confederate Proclamation the other day.

I lived in the south for a while. My parents retired there.  I never really got the confederate nostalgia as to me treason isn't something you really want to commerate.  Article III Section 3 delineates treason as follows:  "Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court."

Do I think that there was nearly unparalled bravey and honor on the part of some southern soldiers? Yes if you just stop at the behavior on the field of battle.  However, according to Article III Section 3 cited above, they took up arms against our country.  I find it more than a bit strange  and hypocritical that some in this nation are, and rightly so, ready to hang any terrorist for striking at America - and yes I was in NYC on 9-11 and there is no death too slow or too painful for any animal who was involved in plotting that event -- but, in constitutional terms, the confederate states took up treason against the United States and often killed more in one day then 9-11. Often.  I'm not sure why they deserve a day of honor.  I'm willing to listen but right now I don't get it.
