I wanna be the next president

I watched (blew) the entire evening last night watching CNBC coverage of the hearings and was particularly entranced by Lloyd Blankfein's performance.  I quite counting the 14th time Mr. Blankfein said "I really don't have any knowledge of that particular topic (issue, event, position...you put in the word)".  When this putz is fired, as well he should be, I wanna be the next president of Goldman. It is clear that you don't have to know squat about the business to run the most profitable company on earth.

I don't want to be critical Lloyd so let me offer you up some advice.  My sister and brother in law run a mom and pop dry cleaning store near here. They have been in the business their entire lives.  They are good, honest people who make a living working very hard and doing good work. The shop has been open for nearly 60 years so it has some staying power. They might not know everything in life and might not be able to order wine correctly at Le Bernadin, but they know their business. and let me tell you Lloyd, it is ENDLESS detail. Little bitty things that make huge differences.  That $1.50 clean shirt, if mislabled is a $40 replacement and you have to clean about 100 shirts to make up the loss. SO WHEN THERE ARE HUGE AND I MEAN HUGE DETAILS THAT "I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THAT", well damnit you putz you sure should know.  Some lauded you for your performance.  If you were running a mom and pop you would be out in the street on your ass. You NOT KNOWING just possible cost a few million people everything they own.  That's the price of you not knowing.  You should be ashamed.