
I wrote this little comment in the Times yesterday and a lot of people seemed to approve. I actually received a few dozen emails as a result.

In case you don't know, the Oklahoma legislature is at it again and passed a law aimed at abortion rights or lack thereof. One provision is that physicians actually don't have to tell the patient everything about a fetus - as in if he/she has a birth defect, etc., so to take that reason off the table if the woman considers an abortion.

I stand that I really don't like the idea of abortion one bit but and its a BIG BUT, it isn't my decision and it isn't my body and my pregnancy so my "vote" doesn't count. Further her or a couple's business isn't my business in the slightest so what I think or believe simply doesn't count a whit.  Of course that is the issue at root. I just think anything that gets in the way of a physician and patient is horrible and the doctors in Oklahoma should be livid that they are being played like cheap banjos.