Every tempt fate? I mean, you know what I mean..that "well the worst of it is over..what more can happen?" type of stuff. I guess first you have to believe in fate or kismet or something or another but just browsing through what Yahoo puts out as news, I ran across the "Let's hope these 4 things don't happen" that came out of US News and World Report. Not so cheery.
I therefore envy my cat Muggs. He thinks of mice and birds and an occasional can of human-tuna as he likes to call it. Fresh water, a clean litter box and he is good to go. He expects me to open cans of food for him and give him that water and heat the house and that is our quid pro quo for him not clawing me or the furniture. It's a nice arrangement...something like what our government does is or is supposed to do for us; let us have a place or some space to live in, make sure we have access to food and water, a little land to play around on, some heated shelter..just the basics and not cause us to worry about stuff that only they can control.
I don't want a government that concludes that we are in a horrible pickle and "we've tried A and B and C and nothing works so you guys are on your own". Well there is on your own if we didn't need a government to function and there is a similar "on your own" if you are Muggs the cat and all the food is in tin cans and there are no can openers.